Hi everyone,
What is your in-game name: Jazo
Age: 17
Have you been staff before on any other servers? yeah, 3, with Agent.
Languages (example, Spanish, English, French, Chinese etc) : I speak english.
How long have you been playing DefectionX I have been playing defectionX like 3 days after Rawr started.
How many hours are you on DefectionX daily on average? I've only been on like 1-3 hours a day, but I intend on playing more if I get moderator
Why do you want to become a moderator on DefectionX? I would like to become moderator because I have was incouraged to be staff by my irl freind (Agent) to tryout for mod because he think i have great potential.
Why do you think you would make a good moderator on DefectionX? I think i would make a great mod because, I have great will, great ego, great patience, and obviously I do not abuse.
Past know how in dealing with staff positions? Okay, i'd start off like this :
3 warnings. if ignored then next step.
Warn them about being jailed/banned/muted depending on what they are doing
And finally take action.
once dealt with tell you the issues that happened
You see another Moderator/Admin on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What would you do? Take what ever means to stop them, screenshots, video, even if i have to use my powers.
Are you willing to help other players? Ofcourse i am willing o help players in anyway possible.
Why would you make a good (or better) mod as the existing mods? Because, by the looks of it there are no mods ;P and because of my quailities listed in why i would make a good mod.
For example, your best friend is online, and he/she broke a rule, or maybe a few rules. What would you do? No mercy, But after I will try to sort it out in my own time, But that's not just for my freinds, that's for everyone